Thursday, May 14, 2009

MJ 2 Day - Part 1

Whew - I'm back in PA after the MJ 2 Day photography workshop earlier in this week, and I'm exhausted! At the beginning of the workshop Melissa promised us that by the end of the 2nd day we would know everything that is in her brain photography-wise, and she did not disappoint. We had 2 days packed with learning about shooting technique and lighting, as well as the business side of photography.

Here is Melissa doing her thing:

At the end of the first day, we had a mock engagement shoot with Megan and Jeff - aka one of the most gorgeous couples I've ever seen. We all kept commenting that apparently they just breed gorgeous people in AZ! They got married one year ago, and were nice enough to be our practice couple for this shoot. Jeff was quite the trooper - he said he had no idea there would be that many photographers (and one videographer) there for the shoot, and I can't even imagine what it's like to be in front of 14 cameras hearing all the shutters going off at once! Here are a few more from the shoot:

Melissa instructing our couple:

I loved the way Megan was looking at Jeff in this picture

The second night we each had head shots done by Melissa (more on that in a future post), and while she was working individually with each photographer, the rest of us would go off and shoot each is a few of us at the end of our shoot on the 2nd day - love these girls!

Modeling our Shootsacs:

We're all going to be a part of Melissa's new workshop video too:)

Editing late night:)

I miss everyone already! More to come at a later date:) Tomorrow morning I'm heading off to Pittsburgh for Libby & Heath's wedding....this time I'm actually IN a wedding instead of shooting it!


Gail May 15, 2009 at 5:18 PM  

Your shots of our model couple are fantastic!

Now how come we couldn't have taken with us a few bottles of that Arizona sunshine?!

So glad to have met you and look forward to staying in touch! I need to get your e-mail!

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