Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Hope everyone had a great Easter! My Easter Sunday started off a little rough, but turned out to be a great day. I started off my morning by taking a spill down our stairs.....our hardwood floors were recently refinished, aka they are SUPER slippery right now. You'd think I'd learn after many close calls down the stairs, but I finally learned after my tumble today. Of course I had my camera bag in hand (thank GOD for padded camera bags), and a full glass of water, which subsequently flew in the air and all over my face/hair/outfit. So my pants were soaked, my makeup was running down my face, and water was all over our I was trying to run out the door. Oh and I may or may not have broken one of my little toes.....still determining that one:) Once I dried my pants and wall/floor, touched up my makeup and dried my hair a little bit, I was good to go!

J and I went to visit my grandparents for the day, and my Grandma's cooking can ALWAYS make me feel better:) I just love the view they have from their porch:

My Grandma also makes homemade chocolate peanut butter eggs - they are HEAVENLY.....I told her they made my toe feel all better:)

I also realized recently that I don't have any picture of my I had to make sure to get some nice shots of them today. They're both such amazing people, and I feel blessed to have them in my life. They still have a strong, amazing marriage after 50 plus years, and they've always set a great example for me growing up - I can only hope to one day become the great people they both are today:

Also, yesterday I had an AWESOME engagement shoot with Roanna and Reed - so I had to post a sneak peak:)

Check back later in the week for MANY more pictures from their engagement session - they turned out so well it's going to be hard to pick which ones to blog about! Happy Easter.....I'm off to nurse my toe:)


lionfan79 April 13, 2009 at 9:11 AM  

I'm soooo jealous that you got peanut butter eggs!!!

Jess April 15, 2009 at 9:55 PM  

Aww thats a great pic of grandma and grandpa! And it really is an awesome view from their porch, which I never really realized until I saw that picture. You really captured it Bean! That porch is one of my favorite places to be!

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