Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Ash & Erik

This past weekend Jeremy and I went to visit his cousin, Erik, and his wife Ashley to take some pictures of them before the baby comes! It worked out perfectly - Erik gave some house negotiating advice to Jeremy while Ash and I had quite the photo-shoot around the house. Yes, Jeremy and I am 90% sure that we are buying a house - we're in the process of negotiating right now, so it was nice getting some advice from a couple who just went through it. Who knew buying a house is so stressful!

Anyway, Ash and Erik are our first friends to have a baby, so it's a really exciting time. I keep telling Ashley I will be SO happy if I look like her when I get pregnant one day! She looks like she hasn't gained any weight at all, and has the cutest pregnant belly - see for yourself:

Can't wait to do pictures of the new baby in March guys! Congrats!


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