Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Tomorrow morning J and I will be heading west to Pittsburgh for a few days to celebrate Christmas with his family. I had to post a little early, since his parents have dial-up at their house.....I'm not about to try to upload pictures with a dial-up connection! We went up to Allentown this past weekend to celebrate Christmas with my family, so I just wanted to share a few pictures from the weekend. My Mom is always saying that I'm the creative one out of the family - but after you take a look at the next few pictures, I must say, I think I disagree:) We were celebrating Christmas at my Dad's house, and his tree is covered with home-made ornaments that my sister and have made for him over the years. As I was looking around the tree, I saw a vast difference between my sister's ornaments and mine - you be the judge:

My sister's cute reindeer, on a shiny red ornament:

And here is my ornament. It's the lid of a tin can, with a piece of felt on top, and I puffy-painted my initials and the year. Isn't it beautiful? HAH:

And here is another one of my gems. I believe it's a pouch of potpourri that was made using a random piece of red cloth, and tied with a green piece of string. And yes, you can see my sister's nice shiny ornament in the background.

Hah I just had to laugh at the difference in our ornaments - as a credit to myself, there was probably (hopefully) a big difference in our ages at the time the ornaments were made, and I do think my creativity has advanced over the years - here is what my tree looks like now:)

When we're out in Pittsburgh I'm going to be taking engagement pictures of Heath and Lib, so check back next week to see their images!

Happy Holidays!


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