Sunday, March 1, 2009

New Beginnings

Oh, what a bad blogger I've my friend Lauren said - "Tina, I know you've been busy, but come's been too long!" So I wanted to post an update of why I've been so busy:) This Friday was a day packed full of new beginnings. First, Jeremy and I just settled on our first house! While it's really exciting and awesome to know I'm FINALLY not just throwing my money away on rent, it's also really intimidating being a new home owner. It just seems like there is SO much to do and not nearly enough time to do everything before we move all of our furniture in. Either way, I'm excited to see what is to come with our new home:) So of course we had to toast to our new purchase - just a little hint to anyone who wants to have a champagne toast in their new house - don't forget glasses....or chairs. Two things we neglected to bring to our house on Day 1. We totally classed it up with our champagne toast - drinking straight out of the bottle while sitting on our kitchen floor:

Overall the house is in great shape, but there are just small things we want to change to fit our taste. For example - when you looked at the picture above you were probably thinking to the tiles on their backsplash have tea cups on them? Why yes, yes they do. I told Jeremy they need to leave our house. Fast.

After our classy champagne toast, we headed over to Jeremy's cousin's house to meet their new baby! Baby Henry is so adorable and one of the most easy going babies I've been around. I am so excited for Erik and Ashley and their new family. I snapped a few quick pictures of Henry, but he will be having a more formal photo shoot very shortly:)

So as you can see, we've been busy! Still, I promise to not neglect the blog that long again:)


Lauren Curran March 3, 2009 at 3:12 PM  
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Lauren Curran March 3, 2009 at 4:57 PM  

Yay I made the blog! I'm sure all your other blog-stalkers felt the same way :) Can't wait to see the house (and the teacups)!!

Unknown March 4, 2009 at 2:43 PM  

I love this post! I can picture you and Jeremy drinking from the bottle, very classy indeed. Henry has lots of hair!

JaimeLee March 5, 2009 at 3:24 PM  

Class, class, class :) I'm so excited to see the house!!

Jess March 15, 2009 at 4:20 PM  

I was thinking the same thing as Mary...I can totally see you and J, champagne bottle in hand, sitting on the kitchen floor! Come on, won't you miss the teacups even a little?...

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